Wednesday 25 April 2007

I see the light . . .

May 23 . . . circle that date in your diaries . . . Elvis will be back in the building . . .

Wednesday 24 January 2007

It's a sign

Of all the days, today was the first day that we saw snow. I wonder if it's an omen?

Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle.
- Amy Bloom

Tuesday 23 January 2007

Numb hands good opener of bags do not make

Hahaha does that totally not make sense?! What I'm trying to say is that, have you guys tried to do something with your hands when they are totally numb because they are so cold? Man, it hurts!! I was fishing for my keys today when I got home (I was trying to balance my laptop in one hand and hold bags of groceries in the other) and that was NOT a fun experience. Yeah it's starting to get real cold over here. This meant that I had an excuse to go shopping for a coat. Got this black 3/4 woollen trench from the Gap the other day. I wore it today but geez it's heavy. It feels like it weighs a few kilos. I have no idea how I'm gonna get it back home. Will look really strange if I have it on my arm when I leave London as it will be in the middle of summer when I leave!

Yay, two handbags that I bought from eBay have arrived. One of them actually came from Australia and the postage cost nearly as much as the bag, which I admit is kinda pointless since I now have to take the bag back to Australia again when I leave. However, one bag that I bought nearly three weeks ago still hasn't arrived. I've been sending emails to the dude but he never replies. On the last occasion, I sent one saying that I'll report him to eBay and leave negative feedback if he doesn't get back to him. He then replied saying that he was out of town for business and that the person he left in charge of sending his parcels didn't use global priority mail, which means it's gonna take 5 weeks for the bag to reach me! Grrr!!!! Man, if only the guy didn't live in New York . . . I can't be bothered to waste money calling him . . . he did say that he'll give me a partial refund though.

I was at the station this morning and this dude totally spat in the path I was walking on, right in front of me. It was so disgusting and I gave him the biggest death look ever. He was a student and so he got kinda scared and his friend was like "Man, why did you do that?!" to him. I think spitting is up there, along with smoking, on the list for things which should be totally banned from this Earth.

Been getting quite annoyed with the lecturers at uni. Basically, as an exchange student, I have to do these 3,000 word essays for each subject to get enough credit points so that when I get back to UNSW, I have done enough to get my degree. But the stupid thing is, none of my lecturers seem to know that they have to set me for one! They were supposed to have assigned them by Monday this week. It's really frustrating that I am the one who is chasing after them. I thought UNSW was bad, man there is zilch communication over here between the law admin staff and lecturers.

My cousin's learning the piano at the moment but all I ever hear her playing is "Mary had a little lamb" and "Old MacDonald had a farm". I think they are the only two songs she knows . . .

I think I am slowing losing the ability to write as I haven't had the need to pick up a pen in ages. The other day my computer ran out of batteries near the end of a lecture so I had to write. My writing was so bad and I was so slow. Hahaha one on the "To Do" list: learn how to write again.

I attempted to watch Saw III the other day but only got into the first 10 minutes of it and had to stop. I couldn't watch it anymore, it really grossed me out. You know it's gonna be bad when the first scene is of someone breaking off his own foot. It's funny cos I managed to watch the first two, I actually bought the first one on DVD. Haha, I think it might be a good movie to watch when you're really pissed off at someone and you want inspiration on what tortures you could perform on them.

On a funnier note, watched Borat and I'm not surprised that all those people have decided to sue him. But I guess it's kinda their fault that they didn't pick up that something was wrong. But I think that naked wrestling scene in the hotel was even worse than the foot-breaking off one in Saw. If you haven't seen that scene yet, trust me, you don't want to!

A movie I'm watching purely to help me fall asleep at night is Marie Antoinette. I give it snaps for the costumes, they are amazing, but there is something fundamentally wrong about getting Americans to play members of the French monarchy. Nothing really "happens" in the movie so it's good to doze off to.

Another movie which I think does not deserve Oscar nominations is The Departed. I have only watched bout 20 minutes of it and stopped. It's no where nears as good as Infernal Affairs and Leonardo DiCaprio will always stay in my mind as Jack. It's funny how these associations work, cos the film Titanic will always remind me of my high school English teacher, who I shall call Mr L (hahah for those of you who were in the same class, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about). This was round the time Titanic came out, 1997ish, and while all the other English classes studied normal, traditional films, Mr L decided to imparted some of his Titanic obsession on us and made us study the film. Hahaha we all suspected that he had a crush on Kate Winslet, which was made even more funnier cos we had another female English teacher who looked a lot like Kate. We used to tease him about it so much.

I have no idea why I said all that, hahaha, it's like word vomit.

Yesterday, also at the station, had another run in with stupid school children. This time it was with two girls. One of them went up to me and said, "Can you go into that shop for my friend?" and pointed to a convenience store. I was like "Huh?!?!?" and then the friend said something incomprehensible. Sometimes I really wonder about the English - their pronunciation of words is tragic. So anyway, I had to get the girl to repeat what she was saying like five things before I understood what she was saying - "Can you help me buy some fags? I'll give you the money." I was just like "Ah, no." I haven't bought cigarettes before for underage kids and I'm certainly not going to start now!

The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dreams shall never die.
- Edward Kennedy

Thursday 11 January 2007

Kept in storage

Hi everyone,

I've actually written a few posts since the last one but I left them as drafts and never posted them. I start writing them and when I read over what I wrote, it just sounded crap. Why oh why, don't I having anything interesting to say?! Hmmmm, maybe it's due to the little fact that nothing interesting has happened on which I can report . . .