Tuesday 28 November 2006

Law Fair

No, I didn't go to the Law Fair today (been to countless ones at UNSW and they're all the same) but now sitting in my ADR class and some guy's just come back from it with all the things he's managed to scab - free pens, travel mug, a glowing cube. Seriously, half the stuff is junk and it's just not worth degrading yourself to beg for objects which will likely end up in the bin anyway.

As usual, nothing much has happened in the last few days. I think insomnia is going to be a regular part of my life now - every second night, I'll have trouble sleeping. The last time, I was so bored at 3am that I ended up reading some of my cousin's books and I realised that some of the books were actually mine. It's crazy, those books are like 15 years old and they've been past through countless relatives and now they have ended up in London. Ended up reading the adventures of Sinbad and the Tin Soldier.

A real friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
- Anonymous

Friday 24 November 2006

Annother qiuck update

It's the break in my Equality Law class and I thought I would post something to make up for my lack of blogging activity in the past few weeks.

Nothing much has happened - I'm starting this fitness frenzy - went out and bought a skipping rope the other day. Am hoping that this piece of rope is going to drastically transform my life. Hahaha wishful thinking . . .

Hmmm the discussion has begun so will continue this post later.

Saturday 18 November 2006

Casino Royale

Watched the new James Bond movie today - the cinema was packed, I guess it being a Saturday didn't help. They had allocated seating which meant by the time my two friends and I got our tickets, we had to sit in the fourth row. But it wasn't that bad and I actually thought the movie was really good. I didn't really have high expectations to begin with and I had never been too fussed about James Bond movies but this one exceeded all expectations. I must admit that when it first was reported that Daniel Craig was to play James Bond, I was a bit sceptical. Howeverrrrrr, man, he is hot in the movie!!! There were a lot of topless shots *grins* and even a scene where he was butt naked *grin gets bigger* hahaha I think it was the whole James Bond charm that did it for me . . . or maybe it's the fact that he's super buff . . . and has blonde hair . . . and blue eyes . . .

My ancestors wandered lost in the wilderness for 40 years because even in biblical times, men would not stop to ask for directions.
- Elayne Boosler

Friday 17 November 2006

Sitting in Equality law lecture

Feeling bored . . . some discussion going on in which I have completely no interest. It's raining which sucks cos the class is about to end in 5 minutes and I have to get home in the cold and rain . . . argh!

Yeah, I haven't posted much lately but all last week was basically spent at home doing essays.

For me there are only two type of women: goddesses and doormats.
- Pablo Picasso

Saturday 11 November 2006

Some eye candy

The remedy for all ills

Shopping!!! Went on a mini shopping spree today - was so happy by the end. I haven't browsed through a shopping centre by myself like that in a while now - picked up some cute pieces and when I have the time later, I might upload some pics.

Got some Berrocca as well - been missing that stuff. Gosh it's expensive here. It cost £4 for 15 tablets - I can get double that amount for less at Roy Young. Taken one today - have to remind myself not to freak out next time I pee - hahaha for those of you going "wft!?" give it go, you'll know what I mean - especially if you take the bright yellow"Tropical" flavour ones . . .

Money can't buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
- Spike Milligan

Thursday 9 November 2006

Just wanna say

All'ultimo Lavoro

Ok, so I was browsing through a friend's blog and I came across this blog ring for PLC girls. Hmmm I didn't recognise any of them 'cept for one and she wasn't even in my year. I wonder how the school is doing now - oh, when's the reunion guys? Has it come and gone? Did anyone actually end up going? Heard anything bout it? My golly gosh, 5 years now. It doesn't feel like five years, but at the same time, school seemed like it was a lifetime ago.

Update: I just finished looking at one of the PLC girl's blogs and I saw pics of her at the UNSW Law Ball (yeah, so coincidental, she does law as well). I just wanted to cry when I saw them - I only went to one and I had such a good time . . . I now regret not going to more.

There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.
- Frank Zappa

Sweetie darling . . .

Man, been stuck at home now for like a week now trying to get my act together to do these friggin' essays. I don't know why I should put so much effort into them anyway, they're not assessable but you just have to do it and hand them in.

Been watching Absolutely Fabulous and that show cracks me up so much. It's so scary that even though it was made over a decade ago, some of the fashion pieces worn aren't that bad and what's even worse, they were probably used in the show sartorially. It shows how fashion does come back and bite you in the arse.

I went on a cleaning frenzy yesterday and totally cleaned out the bathroom on my floor. It was squeaking clean by the end - I used all the cleaning products I could find - bleach, Jiff and this all in one grease, dirt, grime remover spray (it was in a pretty purple and green bottle) and I had to pull out the vacuum cleaner to suck up all the hair I have been losing.

So, it's been two months exactly since I arrived here in London and ah, about 8 more to go - yippee . . . hmmm, sarcasm doesn't work really well in this context . . .

Ooo, she's so cold, sweetie! I'll just bet she has her period in cubes.
- Eddie from Absolutely Fabulous

Tuesday 7 November 2006


I decided to jazz up my blog a bit - being the computer savvy person I am, I couldn't really do much about it 'cept change the colours around hehehe.

Reading computer manuals without the hardware is as frustrating as reading sex manuals without the software.
- Arthur c. Clarke

Happy reading

Went out and bought the December issue of Vogue - why this is worthy of mention I hear you say? Cos it's one of the biggest mothereffing magazine I've seen! It's their 90 year birthday celebration edition and boy is it fat:

Front cover

Looking forward to reading it . . .

Hmmm not much to report really . . . as you guys know, it's reading week so basically, it's staying-at-home-and-bludging week. And I have to get started on my essays, one on domestic violence and the other on direct and indirect discrimination. Thrilling I know . . .

Anita: good to hear from you babe! I'll be sure to keep visiting your blog!
Shirley: looks like you're having an awesome time in SF! Love the Halloween pics

And thanks for all the encouragement guys. Yeah I know I've been complaining heaps and it's probably largely my fault cos I'm not "trying" hard enough but once I get my act together, maybe . . .

Failures are like skinned knees, painful but superficial.
- Ross Perot

Monday 6 November 2006

Do I have issues?!

Haha on second thoughts, don't answer that cos it'd open way too many floodgates . . .

A few more random musings:
  • I don't know whether it's in Australia, but don't ever get the Special K Bliss, unless you wanna be like me and have to stand over the bin and pick out all the dried cranberry bits. They are so sour they make lemons seem like lollies. And they look like red Christmas beetles too so yeah, disgusting . . .
  • I realise that putting the words "to see whether or not" does really sound to good when answering a law problem question but I've run out of words to use! My answer is already splattered with "to determine", "to analyse", "to calculate", "to prove", "to argue". Man, am running out of ideas . . .
  • Found out that a hair dryer makes a good substitute for a heater. Might be on the louder side of things, but it still does the job
  • Watched the first episode of The OC, season 4. I don't know how good this season is going to be cos it seems like everyone has fallen out with everyone and with Marissa gone, it's no longer the fantastic four.
  • Am becoming quite efficient at putting things into plastic bags now at the supermarket. The check out people don't do it for you here so it can become very stressful when they whiz items through the barcode scanner and you're frantically trying to open up the plastic bags which feel like they have been glued together. On a few occasions, I have resorted to doing the whole teacher thing and licking my fingers and I must admit, it does actually work. Gross, but it gets the job done.
  • On food packaging, they like to advertise things as having "only 5% fat" instead of "95% fat free". Weird but doesn't saying how much fat is in things put people off?
  • I have now learnt that thundering down the stairs while holding my laptop with the screen up is not a good idea. My laptop screen as now become really loose.
  • Have I mentioned that I have so far stacked it twice down those stairs? Not holding my laptop of course.
  • I am in serious need of sunlight. My legs practically reflect light, they are that pale. It doesn't help when my oh-so-insightful cousin went "your legs look yucky" when I pulled up my pants as I was trying on my new clogs yesterday. Don't you just love kids?
A friend in need's a friend indeed, a friend with weed is better.
- Pure Morning, a song by Placebo

Distorted Beauty

It's a pink world . . .

Came across this and I so want one - Sony C Series:

I think computer and phone companies are catching onto the idea that girlie girls like me go gah gah over pink accessories - LG have released a pink version of their chocolate phone:

And since they don't have the mini's anymore, Apple have redone their nano's in pink as well:

The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dreams shall never die.
- Edward Kennedy

Sunday 5 November 2006

Hi, ny name is . . .

For those fashionistas out there you guys have to check out Kokopuff's StyleDiary - this chick can assemble the most amazing outfits and she has the nicest pieces in her wardrobe. I'm so envious of people who can pull off style and make it look effortless. Every night I would lie await and think of outfits I could wear the next day, but the next morning, I usually end up wearing something really boring/normal/conservative/mainstream because:
  • 99% if my clothes, accessories and bags are back in Sydney
  • I'm just going straight to uni and home again so there really is no point in getting all dressed up
  • I have no car and travelling on public transport doesn't exactly thrill me into looking my best
  • I usually end up having only 10 minutes to whack something on
  • The weather - need I say more?
  • I have to walk and I can't wear high/uncomfortable shoes - ooohhhh, speaking of which, I bought these Michael Kors shearling clogs today - yeah, I know, don't ask me why I got them, but I couldn't resist. They look like these but mine are beige and not suede:

They're so cute but yeah, am probably gonna bring them home cos there's no way in hell I can wear something like that here . . . I'm trying to be a bit more adventurous with what I buy.

So anyway, I'll stop talking about fashion and move onto another topic - cars! (hahaha I know I'm weird, I can go from one extreme to the other . . .). A friend told me about this one the other day and I'm adding it to my current list of cars I would sell my soul for:

The Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren - can you believe that Paris Hilton has one of these? *sigh* at least she's got one thing right. At the moment, I don't think I could even afford the windscreen wipers on that car so I guess I'll keep dreaming - ooh, there's a £88 mil lottery jackpot coming up here in England, maybe I should enter it . . .

This leads onto my next topic - I've been watching this show on MTV, "My Super Sweet 16" which basically follows around teenagers from very wealthy families as they plan and have their 16th birthday parties. Man, I was shocked at the lengths the parents would go to to throw their kid a birthday party. There was this one kid who had his in a shopping mall (cos apparently he was a "divo" as he described himself - the opp of diva), got his friends to put on a fashion show and at the end of the night, he was given a white Merc convertible as a present from his parents. And the best part is, he can't even drive yet! Man, and there was this other guy who got Rihanna to go as his date, and had Juelz Santana perform and yeah, also got a car at the end - apparently his party cost the 'rents round $300,000.00. Damn there are some spoilt kids out there - check it out if you're bored one day.

I don't know whether it's me or just Aussie accents in general, but my cousin sometimes doesn't understand the words that come out of my mouth. Hahaha like when I help her with her dictation homework - when I say the word "all" she's like "What? Did you say "or"?" And I'm like "No! All! All" And then she's like "Ohhh, you mean all" and she like accentuates the "l's". I just gave her a deadpan look, the cheeky bugger . . .

Yay, the OC has started again - I've just downloaded the first episode of the 4th season and will watch it as soon as I finish this post. Not that excited though cos of the whole Marissa dying and everything but who knows . . .

Ok, for all my fellow law students, you know how law reading week basically translates into a one week holiday in which we do anything except our readings? Well over here, we still get reading week but I now wish that we didn't cos it basically means that we have to do an essay for each subject during that week. Man I'm going to die . . .

It's starting to get quite cold here now - we've turn on the radiators in the house and so it's not that bad if you're indoors. I've already taken out the puffer jacket and uggs and scarvesthough - both my grandma and cousin are sick and so there are germs floating around everywhere.

Oh the reason for the title of this post - the other day at uni, I was waiting for a class so I was just standing in the corridor. This chick who was in a class next door came along and waited near me. Then she suddenly goes to me, "Hi!" and I was like "Ah, hi." She then goes "Yeah we met the other day but I can't remember your name." I'm pretty sure that I have never seen this girl before in my entire life and I'm pretty sure I would remember if I did or not cos she was Asian and I haven't spoken to an Asian girl at uni yet. But I did tell her my name and pretended that we had met before. Found out that she was in first year (*sigh* feeling old again) but before we had a chance to talk, I had to go into my class. Was so random . . . I don't even remember her name now or what she looks like.

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
- Douglas Adams

Friday 3 November 2006

Stubborn cow

Hahaha, that's how I would describe myself sometimes - I don't like being told what to do, even if I am doing something wrong. So even though I might be having a not-so-cheery time over here, I would never back down, give in and come home early.

I got into this heated discussion with my mum about this. She suggested that I just come home in February and do my whole last year again in UNSW. I was like "No way! I'm not coming back and doing uni again." She was like "Well, there's no point in complaining about what a bad time you're having over there. If you don't like it, then come back." I was like "No!!! I'm not coming back early but I will complain and I will continue to complain till I come back. You just have to put up with it." Blame it on my slightly disturbing personality, but I love it when I can scream and shout at my mum - it releases all the tension, even though I keep getting weird looks from my grandma as I sit there in the kitchen yelling at the top of my voice. After such conversations, I'm so glad I'm over here and she's back in Sydney. Hahaha it's a paradox - I get so frustrated talking to her but in a way that I can't describe, getting angry at her makes me feel slightly less depressed. I love blaming her for things - hahaha most of our conservations usually with me going "I got to go, bye" and hanging up instantaneously. I feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders and my anger has transferred from me to her.

Some of you might wonder why I harp on so much about her. But as most of you have found out by now, you can't know me without knowing my mum. This has been demonstrated to very disastrous ends when it comes to boyfriends and dating, hahaha but my mum has a way of infiltrating into almost all parts of my life.

A few people have asked me now I am going with job hunting - well basically, it's fizzled into nothing. I'm not working at the moment and I haven't been bothered to look again. Maybe I can see this as a well-deserved break after all these years of retail hell.

Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it.
- Agatha Christie