Monday 11 December 2006

A lil' late

Today I had to have a one on one meeting with my ADR professor to discuss my dissertation. Considering I had given it not much thought at all (translation: not any thought at all) to it since I had to hand in it's title a couple of weeks ago, yesterday night was spent cutting and pasting various things together to make a remotely coherent summary of what I wanted to cover. It didn't have much of a structure, hahaha, and it showed. To make things worse, the meeting was at 9:30. I had left the house at 8:20 but as we all know how reliable public transport can be, the bloody train kept on stopping at places where there was no station!! The driver would come over the PA system and give some lame ass excuse about some speed restriction at some station further up. Speed restriction?!?! None of the trains I've been on ever go at a fast speed . . . So anyway, I was totally late and since the appointments are in half an hour blocks, by the time I got to her office, someone else was in there. Cos I had a lecture at 10-11, I had to go back and see her at 11:30. Man, all that rushing in the morning for nothing!! And I had made the effort of climbing up those stupid escalators (the mega long ones) at the tube station.

So I went back to see her and I am surprised at how I was able to fudge my way through the meeting. The trick was to nod and agree a lot with the Prof and then just repeat what she said. Hahaha - now I have to go back and give my outline a structure - hahaha told you it showed.

Mondays are beginning to turn into my shopping days cos I usually finish around 11 and so I have the whole afternoon. Since I'm out already, I usually spend some time at the shopping centre that's right next to Wimbledon station. Man, there's nothing more annoying when you're trying to try on clothes than having to lug around a big-ass coat, scarf and laptop. I feel like a bag lady and sometimes I can't be bothered to go to the fitting rooms to try stuff on. Note: this doesn't mean I just strip in public - obviously the stuff I wanna try on are usually outerwear garments and don't require me to remove more than my jacket! So I would find the nearest mirror and just dump everything around me. Hahahaha I've gotten a few weird looks but that's better than the feeling you get when you're in the fitting rooms and you try something one and realise you need to get another item, for whatever reason, be it that it's the wrong size/it's faulty/wrong colour, and you then have to go through the whole process of putting all your clothes back on, get all your stuff, go out and grab what you need and go through it all over again. And isn't it ironic how when you really need them, there are never sales assistants to help you!!! So never feel annoyed when sales assistants ask if you need help while you are in the fitting rooms, Hahaha, I just to feel bad when I asked people when I was at Polo, but it sometimes really does help when someone can help you get something.

Just found out that my cousin whose in Hong Kong and who is about to get married, is coming over here to Europe for her honeymoon. She'll be here in London on Dec 26 so she'll get to share all the festivities. There are all these dinners and stuff happening with the people from my aunt's church around that time so yeah, lots of food and Jesus praising . . . I'll just concentrate on the food.

Watched the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show the other day. It really is just an excuse to put models in skimpy underwear but I gotta say, they do look hot and what I would give to have legs like Gisele. By the way, who on earth would spend $6mil on a bra decked out in diamonds?!

$6mil could buy you a whole lot more than just a bra . . .

Justin Timberlake gave a kick-ass performance on the show as well. It still puzzles me why he's still hooked up with Cameron Diaz. But I guess it's still better than Brit with Fed-Ex.

If you can't return a favour, pass it on.
- Louise Brown

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