Monday 6 November 2006

Do I have issues?!

Haha on second thoughts, don't answer that cos it'd open way too many floodgates . . .

A few more random musings:
  • I don't know whether it's in Australia, but don't ever get the Special K Bliss, unless you wanna be like me and have to stand over the bin and pick out all the dried cranberry bits. They are so sour they make lemons seem like lollies. And they look like red Christmas beetles too so yeah, disgusting . . .
  • I realise that putting the words "to see whether or not" does really sound to good when answering a law problem question but I've run out of words to use! My answer is already splattered with "to determine", "to analyse", "to calculate", "to prove", "to argue". Man, am running out of ideas . . .
  • Found out that a hair dryer makes a good substitute for a heater. Might be on the louder side of things, but it still does the job
  • Watched the first episode of The OC, season 4. I don't know how good this season is going to be cos it seems like everyone has fallen out with everyone and with Marissa gone, it's no longer the fantastic four.
  • Am becoming quite efficient at putting things into plastic bags now at the supermarket. The check out people don't do it for you here so it can become very stressful when they whiz items through the barcode scanner and you're frantically trying to open up the plastic bags which feel like they have been glued together. On a few occasions, I have resorted to doing the whole teacher thing and licking my fingers and I must admit, it does actually work. Gross, but it gets the job done.
  • On food packaging, they like to advertise things as having "only 5% fat" instead of "95% fat free". Weird but doesn't saying how much fat is in things put people off?
  • I have now learnt that thundering down the stairs while holding my laptop with the screen up is not a good idea. My laptop screen as now become really loose.
  • Have I mentioned that I have so far stacked it twice down those stairs? Not holding my laptop of course.
  • I am in serious need of sunlight. My legs practically reflect light, they are that pale. It doesn't help when my oh-so-insightful cousin went "your legs look yucky" when I pulled up my pants as I was trying on my new clogs yesterday. Don't you just love kids?
A friend in need's a friend indeed, a friend with weed is better.
- Pure Morning, a song by Placebo


Anonymous said...

hey elvis! found ur blog on anita's website!!

it's shirley from UNSW law, now on exchange in california!

nice to find a fellow exchanger's blog!! how r ya~~ r u going to be in UK for 1 year?!

oh man... is law outside of australia hard or wot...... it's killing me here in america.. it sounds like they are killing u in england too.... australia.. it's such a pushover.... i wonder if u would agree now...

anyways, my xanga is

keep in touch ;) will be back ~~

Anonymous said...

Hey Elvis,

Long time no see girl! Hope you are having a good time in the UK! Must travel around Europe before you return to Australia la! PCLL is an absolute killer - I kind of regret going to HK too! Anyway hope to catch u some time in HK! Can i subscribe to your blog?


Elvina said...

Hey guys!

Great to hear from you! Hi Shirley! Yeah, law's killing me too over here in London - they take it so seriously! I'll be sure to check out ur xanga!

Hey Anita!!! Great to hear form you - hahaha I'm no comp whiz, so I'm not sure how the whole subscribing to my blog works - so if you know how to dot that, sure!

Keep in touch guys!
