Sunday 5 November 2006

Hi, ny name is . . .

For those fashionistas out there you guys have to check out Kokopuff's StyleDiary - this chick can assemble the most amazing outfits and she has the nicest pieces in her wardrobe. I'm so envious of people who can pull off style and make it look effortless. Every night I would lie await and think of outfits I could wear the next day, but the next morning, I usually end up wearing something really boring/normal/conservative/mainstream because:
  • 99% if my clothes, accessories and bags are back in Sydney
  • I'm just going straight to uni and home again so there really is no point in getting all dressed up
  • I have no car and travelling on public transport doesn't exactly thrill me into looking my best
  • I usually end up having only 10 minutes to whack something on
  • The weather - need I say more?
  • I have to walk and I can't wear high/uncomfortable shoes - ooohhhh, speaking of which, I bought these Michael Kors shearling clogs today - yeah, I know, don't ask me why I got them, but I couldn't resist. They look like these but mine are beige and not suede:

They're so cute but yeah, am probably gonna bring them home cos there's no way in hell I can wear something like that here . . . I'm trying to be a bit more adventurous with what I buy.

So anyway, I'll stop talking about fashion and move onto another topic - cars! (hahaha I know I'm weird, I can go from one extreme to the other . . .). A friend told me about this one the other day and I'm adding it to my current list of cars I would sell my soul for:

The Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren - can you believe that Paris Hilton has one of these? *sigh* at least she's got one thing right. At the moment, I don't think I could even afford the windscreen wipers on that car so I guess I'll keep dreaming - ooh, there's a £88 mil lottery jackpot coming up here in England, maybe I should enter it . . .

This leads onto my next topic - I've been watching this show on MTV, "My Super Sweet 16" which basically follows around teenagers from very wealthy families as they plan and have their 16th birthday parties. Man, I was shocked at the lengths the parents would go to to throw their kid a birthday party. There was this one kid who had his in a shopping mall (cos apparently he was a "divo" as he described himself - the opp of diva), got his friends to put on a fashion show and at the end of the night, he was given a white Merc convertible as a present from his parents. And the best part is, he can't even drive yet! Man, and there was this other guy who got Rihanna to go as his date, and had Juelz Santana perform and yeah, also got a car at the end - apparently his party cost the 'rents round $300,000.00. Damn there are some spoilt kids out there - check it out if you're bored one day.

I don't know whether it's me or just Aussie accents in general, but my cousin sometimes doesn't understand the words that come out of my mouth. Hahaha like when I help her with her dictation homework - when I say the word "all" she's like "What? Did you say "or"?" And I'm like "No! All! All" And then she's like "Ohhh, you mean all" and she like accentuates the "l's". I just gave her a deadpan look, the cheeky bugger . . .

Yay, the OC has started again - I've just downloaded the first episode of the 4th season and will watch it as soon as I finish this post. Not that excited though cos of the whole Marissa dying and everything but who knows . . .

Ok, for all my fellow law students, you know how law reading week basically translates into a one week holiday in which we do anything except our readings? Well over here, we still get reading week but I now wish that we didn't cos it basically means that we have to do an essay for each subject during that week. Man I'm going to die . . .

It's starting to get quite cold here now - we've turn on the radiators in the house and so it's not that bad if you're indoors. I've already taken out the puffer jacket and uggs and scarvesthough - both my grandma and cousin are sick and so there are germs floating around everywhere.

Oh the reason for the title of this post - the other day at uni, I was waiting for a class so I was just standing in the corridor. This chick who was in a class next door came along and waited near me. Then she suddenly goes to me, "Hi!" and I was like "Ah, hi." She then goes "Yeah we met the other day but I can't remember your name." I'm pretty sure that I have never seen this girl before in my entire life and I'm pretty sure I would remember if I did or not cos she was Asian and I haven't spoken to an Asian girl at uni yet. But I did tell her my name and pretended that we had met before. Found out that she was in first year (*sigh* feeling old again) but before we had a chance to talk, I had to go into my class. Was so random . . . I don't even remember her name now or what she looks like.

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
- Douglas Adams


Anonymous said...

those shoes are gorgeous!!


Elvina said...

Hehe thx Chloe. Yeah, still thinking of what I can wear them with.