Friday 3 November 2006

Stubborn cow

Hahaha, that's how I would describe myself sometimes - I don't like being told what to do, even if I am doing something wrong. So even though I might be having a not-so-cheery time over here, I would never back down, give in and come home early.

I got into this heated discussion with my mum about this. She suggested that I just come home in February and do my whole last year again in UNSW. I was like "No way! I'm not coming back and doing uni again." She was like "Well, there's no point in complaining about what a bad time you're having over there. If you don't like it, then come back." I was like "No!!! I'm not coming back early but I will complain and I will continue to complain till I come back. You just have to put up with it." Blame it on my slightly disturbing personality, but I love it when I can scream and shout at my mum - it releases all the tension, even though I keep getting weird looks from my grandma as I sit there in the kitchen yelling at the top of my voice. After such conversations, I'm so glad I'm over here and she's back in Sydney. Hahaha it's a paradox - I get so frustrated talking to her but in a way that I can't describe, getting angry at her makes me feel slightly less depressed. I love blaming her for things - hahaha most of our conservations usually with me going "I got to go, bye" and hanging up instantaneously. I feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulders and my anger has transferred from me to her.

Some of you might wonder why I harp on so much about her. But as most of you have found out by now, you can't know me without knowing my mum. This has been demonstrated to very disastrous ends when it comes to boyfriends and dating, hahaha but my mum has a way of infiltrating into almost all parts of my life.

A few people have asked me now I am going with job hunting - well basically, it's fizzled into nothing. I'm not working at the moment and I haven't been bothered to look again. Maybe I can see this as a well-deserved break after all these years of retail hell.

Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it.
- Agatha Christie


Anonymous said...

THINK OF THE CHLOE BAG!! Retail hell is almost worth it, if you are saving for something so amazing. Anything with my name on it is definitely amazing. Keep applying online, set yourself a 2-5 applications online a day goal so you feel a little productive :) AND I promise you that when you come back to Australia, you will be missing the UK and will always always be thankful for the experience, make sure you make the most of it while you have the chance!

<3 Chloe

Fishy said...

Totally agree with the title.

Elvina said...

hehehe thx chloe for the encouragement - yeah everytime I think of that bag, my eyes get misty . . .