Wednesday 4 October 2006

Elvis phone home . . .

I feel like ET at the mo - trapped on some distant planet, surrounded by "aliens" and trying to figure out a way to get home. Thing is, I know that I'm gonna be "trapped" here for another nine months - which is a looooooooong way away considering I'm counting down day by day.

I know that I seem to complaining a lot and whining when in fact I have this "amazing opportunity to experience so many new things and chance to meet some wonderful new people" or so everyone keeps telling me. Well here's the reality of it all - my life SUCKS. It also doesn't help when I realised, after talking to a guy in my ADR class, that exams are pretty much closed-book exams - I was close to tears when I heard that. I've never done a closed-book law exam in my life and I have to start now, in my final year?! If I could turn back time, hands up who thinks I would have applied to go on exchange here? And one thing that I HATE, absolutely LOATHE, is when people complain about doing readings and how boring they were and then, when it comes to class, they are the very people who can have lengthy debates with the lecturer, cos obviously, they've done the readings, when right before class, they tell me that they haven't. ARGH!! You know why this pisses me off so much?! It's cos when I say I don't do my readings, I really don't do my readings . . . like, at all. People don't seem to understand my lack of enthusiasm for what I am doing. So note to everyone - please don't tell me that you haven't done any work, unless you REALLY haven't done any.

I've always not liked what I'm doing, in terms of my degree, but the difference before coming here was that I had everything else to keep me going back in Sydney- my friends, going out on the weekend, my favourite shopping joints - now, I still don't like what I'm doing, but worse still, I have nothing else to distract me.

Wise men talk because they have something to say. Fools talk because they have to say something.
- Plato

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