Sunday 15 October 2006

I don't deserve this

So, I've been good with the whole rugging up when stepping outside thing but guess what? The germs attack from within in the house and yes, I now have a cold, thanks to my lil cousin for spreading it to both me and my grandma. Because of this cold, I couldn't meet up with Jenny, Justin or Cynthia who is a fellow UNSW law student on exchange in Copenhagen but popped down to London for the week. ARGH! Just when I had a chance to meet up with people I know . . .

I was reading this takeaway menu which was in our letter box today. Nothing special about it (was for an Italian restaurant) until I got to the part titled "Essentials". First thing on it was "one pint semi-skimmed milk: 0.70p". Ok, I thought, maybe some people like milk with their pizza *puzzled look* but underneath that was "20 Marlboro Lights: £6.00" wtf"!?! What kind of pizza joint sells cigarettes! Maybe it's an English thing.

You always admire what you really don't understand.
- Blaise Pascal

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