Wednesday 11 October 2006

Uni continues

Sorry, I’m getting so behind on my blog – I’ll continue where I left off last time with Friday:

So yeah bad start to the day. First off, family – the lecturer (and it seems that all the “lecturers” here seem to be “professors” so I dun even know what to call them) talks to damn fast, I get down like every 2nd word of every 3rd sentence – I think I have to do the ultimate dreaded thing and bring my laptop to uni. Also, the lecturers here (I think I’m gonna stick to using the word “lecturer”) have a habit of not setting a textbook, so basically, you have to find cases yourself. Which reminds me – I spend a freakin’ half a day trying to find the cases that I needed to read the other day and after finding them all, I couldn’t even be bothered to read them. I had no idea what half the citations meant – EWCA Civ anyone?! – it was a disaster. Who knew that I actually should have paid attention during Advanced Legal Research?

Anyway, after Family, I had this mega 3 hour break – I managed to talked to these two girls during the lecturer and I sat with them for a while in the café in the law building (which is a really crap café, by the way – coffee from a machine, yuck). But as with most people I’ve spoken to, I didn’t really have much in common with them and I made some excuse about having to pick up some form from some office and left.

I actually had to leave though, as I was meeting a dude who’s a friend of a friend. Long story short, he met my friend via a trip to the US and so, he sent a quick email to this guy and we met up. He’s a local so hopefully, maybe, he can take me out sometime – I don’t think I have spent so many weekends in a row at home in ages, like years . . .

Then back to class – the last class I haven’t had a lecture in yet – Equality Law. One of the girls I spoke to before described the lecture as someone who probably spent the 80s on a continuous acid trip so I was intrigued. Soooooo funny cos it turned out that she was Aussie! I think she’s spent a lot of time in the "on">UK tho, like decades, cos she had a pretty strong English accent but when we were doing the whole intro thing about ourselves and I said that I was on exchange from Australia, she was like “Oh, so you’re from UNSW?” I was so stunned – I wouldn’t have thought anyone over here would have heard of UNSW, let alone a lecturer. But actually, she was pretty cool – yeah a bit “off with the fairies” but I think anyone who teaches equality law would be like that though.

Saturday and Sunday

Ummm I actually can’t remember what I did on Saturday! Oh yeah – we had this massive dinner with people from my aunt’s church at home. It was for the chinese mooncake festival thingy.

Sunday was the usual – Church followed by me raiding TK Maxx again. I think it’s gonna turn into this weekly ritual for me. Felt slightly better as I had bough some scarves – same one in 3 colours – and some hand cream.


Bad idea to carry my laptop in m Country Road bag – my shoulder killed afterwards and it’s a really awkward and big bag. I don’t think I’m gonna use it again. On the brighter side, typing is so much easier than writing.span>


Today was such a long day - I had a lecture from 1-2 and then I had to bum around till 6pm when I had to attend this talk held at the Royal Courts of Justice. One of my lecturers was speaking about mediation in civil cases in London. Our whole class when, haha it felt like an excursion and all around were all these stif-upper-lip looking old school English lawyers - aka fat, old, podgy men in black suits with really bad comb overs. I swear, if I ever become a lawyer, I'm so going to do the whole Legally Blonde thing and wear pink suits . . . or metallic gold with purple satin shirt . . . black is soooo boring.

By the time I got home, it was like 9pm and I was so exhausted. Mind you, I was still lugging around my laptop. On a good note, I managed to talk to this Asian guy in my class after the mediation talk. So maybe I'll make a new friend . . .

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
- English Proverb

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