Friday 20 October 2006

Super tired . . . but happy!

Ok, here comes one of those long posts (cos I haven't really written anything lately):

Thursday 19.10.06
So today was the day of the Selfridges interview. Looking back, I don't know why I was so freaked out but I was. It's not like I don't have retail experience *sigh* and it wasn't really a very important job either. But I guess it was my pressing need to find a job so I won't be as bored and also cos it means that I can start spending that put me in this weirdly freaked out mood. God, I even made notes of what they might ask me . . . sad I know. So I got to the place and I had to wait in this reception room. There were two guys in there already and I walked in with another guy. Then another guy came in . . . and another guy . . . and another guy. I was like WTF?! Am I the only chick?! Luckily, another girl came in finally and it ended up being six guys and the two of us. They were late in starting so cos I got there a bit early, I had to wait nearly 45 mins. No-one in the room was talking to one another so we just sat there in silence.

Then when it started, it was split into two parts - a role play exercise where we had to pretend to sell an item to a customer and then an individual interview. We got to pick an item from a selection and so I took a pair of pants. Geez, I wonder how many pairs of pants I have sold?! *sighs again* too many to count . . . so anyway, I think I did alright in the selling exercise, I said so much crap, everything I could think of. Then it was the interview. The interviewers were actually the floor managers in the store and I got this really nice lady. She asked the typical customer service and retail related questions and obviously I could answer them half-asleep. At the end of the interview, she was very serious and said, "It seems like you have a lot of knowledge and experience. Are you sure that you want to be just a sales associate? Have you thought about applying for a more senior position?" I was shocked - it was like she was saying I was over-qualified. Hahaha, imagine that. I think this is will be the only instance in my entire life when this will ever occur. I guess I absorbed more from PJC than I thought I did. I was like "Ah, I don't think I will have any trouble taking on more responsibility as I have been an assistant manager before, but I'm only allowed to work 20 hours a week." I was thinking "Geez, I just want a brainless job. I've been in charge before and I nearly broke down sometimes because of the stress and it turned me into a nervous wreck!"

I don't know if I have the job yet or not. They said they will get back to us within 5 working days (they haven't called today yet, today being Friday).

Friday 20.10.06
Today was another uni day but was looking forward to it as I was meeting up with Jenny afterwards. Yay, was so excited as it would be the first time I was actually meeting up with someone I could have a decent conversation with.

The weird thing that happened today was in two exchange students, one French (I have Family law with her and she only started to talk to me today) and one Belgium (I have Equality law with her and I met her on the orientation day), they both asked me if I could send them my notes that I type out in class. I felt sorry for them cos I know even for me, who is fluent in English, I would have trouble writing by hand everything that the lecturer says. That's why I bring my laptop. So I can imagine the trouble that these poor European girls might have. Hahaha, I feel like one of those geeky people that others scab notes off. I think I'll take it as a compliment.

I had a massive 3 hour break today. I was gonna meet up with Wei but he had a sudden lecture he had to attend so couldn't make it. I decided to do a trial run and see how long it would take for me to walk to the law firm I'm going to work at on Monday. It didn't look too far on the map and it is basically down the main road of the uni. So I walked there and it wasn't that bad. Took me a while to actually find the stupid entrance to the building though. It was next to a restaurant and it was only a door, with those button-buzzer thingies so it wasn't obvious.

Then after uni it was time to meet up with Jenny. We decided to head down to China town and grab some Jap food (I haven't had any Jap since I got here so was craving it). We walked down Oxford St a bit cos we met up pretty early, and then headed towards China town. The restaurant actually did look authentically Jap and it was quite packed. I ended up getting the chicken katsu don. When the meals came. the waiter put down this set box in front of me and I was like "Ah, this wasn't what I ordered!" So after a quick correction, I got the right thing and I tasted alright, like what you would get in Sydney. But the thing was it cost me £8.30, which is like $20. Man, I used to pay $8.30 in Sydney for it. It was good talking to Jenny and hearing what's she's been doing at the hospital. We're planning to go to the Portobello markets on Sunday and walk around Notting Hill and yeah, Yvonne, I mentioned to her how we have to visit that travel book shop!

Stupid thing of the day: I was sick of walking so when I got off at Wimbledon station, there is actually I bus I could take which would take me down the road and will be much closer for me to walk home. But the bus timetables don't really tell you which road the different bus routes take and at that particular station, the bus could go two ways - one down the road I want to be on and another road. So anyway, I knew the 200 would take me down the right road but I wasn't sure if any of the others would. I took a chance and hopped on the next one that came and wadda you know, it went down the wrong road. I was like "Shit shit shit!" I had to get off at the next stop and walk all the way back up the road. Was so bad - but found out that there is this pub called "The Australian Bar" in Wimbledon which I found quite amusing. Maybe I'll check it out one day.

So by the time I got home, I was exhausted. I am now in my bed typing this and feeling quite drowsy so I might end it here. Outies!

The future has a way of arriving unannounced.
- George Will

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