Was reading an extract on the introduction of English contract law - man, am I glad that I chose England to do the exchange in - most of their principles we've learnt already and it wsa a jolt down memory lane to read words such as "intention to create legal relations", "privity of contract" and "undue influence". Fellow law students would know exactly what I'm talking about!
Ben listening to a few new cds - Justin Timberlake's one is funky(hahaha but I may be biased), Beyonce's one just sounds pretty much like any of her other songs and Nelly Furtado . . . well I still can't get over her "I'm like a bird"-folklore image she used to portray - listening to her do rnb is weird - although thumbs up to "Promiscuous" (a song which can attract the wrong attention in clubs . . . hmmmm not that I would know *winks*)
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