So after a morning of fiddling around with that (and adding a few words to my vocabulary, like "SSID" and "WEP encryption") I headed out again with my grandma to the shops:

I had to help my cousin with her Kumon - ahh, that brings back horrible childhood memories. It was really weird cos for her English Kumon homework, she had to read extracts from . . . Australian story books?! There was like "Possum Magic" and that one about the hippopotamus sitting on the roof eating cake. They even had a story with Aborigines in it . . . would English kids even know who the Aborigines are?!
Random thoughts:
Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.
- Josh Billings
Random thoughts:
- Bought some kiwis today which were from . . . Chile. wft?!
- Should actually start doing some law readings - there are actually a lot of coffee shops around (Yvonne, there's that cafe costa one you mentioned) but they don't have Gloria Jeans over here, only Starbucks. Man, Gloria Jeans so kicks Starbuck's caffeine arse. I was gonna say that I could do some readings at a coffee shop . . . (hahaha just realised that the two points didn't link up)
- Speaking of Gloria, miss you too! Hope u and Ken are well! Once I get my visa sorted, I'm gonna start trying to find work experience at a fashion mag . . . fingers crossed
- It's really annoying that they still use 1p and 2p here - I'm so used to not getting change if something's $0.99 but here, you get the 1p back. It's bad cos you actually need the correct amount and can't rely on the rounding down!
- People keep asking me what I've done over here and how London is. If they're expecting me to have done a lot of sight-seeing and museum-visiting and art gallery-wandering, hahaha I think I'm gonna disappoint them. I'm so not motivated to do all those touristy things - maybe a little of that is due to the fact I've already done a bit of that stuff last time I was here and I was so galleried-out after seeing all that art in Europe - they all begin to look the same after a while. Maybe after uni starts, I can make some friends who are art enthusiasts and they can drag my arse along - it's more interesting to go with people who actually know what they're looking at and can explain it to me . . .
- However, if you wanted to know where all the major shopping centres are, I'm the right person to talk to!!! I've already taken down mental notes of all the shopping centres we've driven past and the nearest tube stations to them so later, I know how to get there!
- Which leads me to the next point - it SUCKS to go shopping and knowing that you can't buy anything while you don't have a job - it SUCKS bananas . . . hmmm I don't know why I typed bananas . . . omg, that could sound so wrong . . .
Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.
- Josh Billings
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