Friday 1 September 2006

My Surprise Farewell


I know that I said that I'll start my blog once I'm over in London, but I just wanted to give a big shout out to everyone who came to my surprise farewell dinner yesterday night at the Lowenbrau. Big hugs to Calvin and Ange for organising it (man I think I ate my week's worth of meat in one night). I just tried to upload some photos but net connection is woopass slow cos my stupid bro went over our monthly limit, but will get them up as soon as I can.

It's been quite an emotional last few weeks for me - quitting my job, knowing that I will soon be leaving all my family and friends behind and my most beloved possession . . . my CAR *wails* I can't wait to get over there, but at the same time, I'm scared s#%tless.

Some of my random thoughts:

Packing: I've noticed that my strategy at the moment is to dump everything into my suitcase and use the excuse that I will tidy it soon - I think by "soon", it'll probably end up being the night before. Sorting through my clothes is not an easy task as I come across so much stuff/crap/random items that I've:
  • never worn,
  • forgot about,
  • shoved in a corner in the hope that I'll forget about them.
And let's not forget the clothes that I once was able to fit into but now, I don't think I could squeeze one thigh through *ahem* note to self: having no car in London = taking public transport = more walking = banishment of fat = a skinnier me = reason to buy new clothes = shopping. Hmmmm, so having no car in London means more shopping - I swear I could link anything to shopping though . . .

Public Transport: It never ceases to amaze people my absolute loathing of public transport. The only thing that really, really gets to me are people on the bus who insist on staying seated next to you when it's near of the bus trip and there are lot a whole bus full of empty seats. Why won't they move?! I had this talk with someone a while ago and they said that it might be cos that person might feel you would be insulted if they move. Lemme just say "I DON'T CARE! Gimme my personal space!"

And yes, the number of times I've taken the bus to Uni has more than doubled in the last two weeks from 1 to 3 . . .

Stupid things I've done this week:
  • Thought the mouse that I bought for my laptop didn't work and was shouting like a madwoman "Why isn't my mouse working?" until I realised that the laser thingy doesn't work on glass (I have glass covering the top of my desk).
Actually, that's my only stupid thing for the week, so yay, go me.

Well, that's enough ramblings for today - am so sleep-deprived today as I could not stop thinking about this necklace I wanted in the city yesterday night so I woke up at 6am in anticipation of going to the city first thing in the morning - got there but wasn't as nice as I remembered it to be, so was waste of a trip and I went home with nothing; (

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