Saturday 7 October 2006

Coyote hotness

Saturday 7.09.06
Ok, who never told me that Adam Garcia was so hot?! Was watching Coyote Ugly yesterday night and was like "OMG he's so hot!" Hahaha, it might also be due to the fact that he's Aussie and that I'm so deprived of anything that reminds me of home that my judgement may be a bit skewed. But the more I think about it, nah, he's still pretty damn cute.

He was originally from Wahroonga - geez, I didn't see guys like him round the north shore when I was in Sydney! Hotness . . .

OMG OMG OMG!! I was just doing some "researching" and I found out that he's in a play "Wicked" that's currently showing in the West End here in London!! I 've seen that this bloody poster in the tube stations countless times:

Now I just have to find someone to see it with.

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I was just writing this and guess who called me?!?!?! Hahaha, if any of you are thinking Adam Garcia, get real, I probably would have passed out by now . . . nah, it was Jenny!!! Yay, at last, I'm no longer here by myself, well, for the next month at least. Hehehe, I forgot to ask here whether she would like to see a play while she's here *winks*

Ahem, yeah, well as you can see, I'm in a better mood today - a large part of it due to the fact that I can officially work (part-time) here now in England (ah, there was this whole hooha with my visa I had to sort out) but yeah, can start looking for a job now. Job = money = shopping = endorphins pumping = happier me! I don't really care bout the whole getting stressed with uni work, blah, am so over it - yes, it's gonna be mega hard with like closed book exams and all *raises eyebrow* but I've fudged it up to now and I think I'll probably be able to fudge one more year . . .

Oh a quite aside: only found out the other day that the emergency no here is 999 - you never realise how useless those fridge magnet thingies are until times like these.

So, an update of these last few days (yeah I know, sorry, been lazy again):

Friday 6.09.06
So today I had uni - the first lectures of the two classes I haven't had yet - Family law and Alternative Dispute Resolution. I've been feeling quite crappy/moody/down and outright depressed over these last few days (haha as you probably guessed anyway) so wasn't really looking forward to it all. It didn't help that it was raining (again) - one thing I hate more than taking public transport is taking public transport when it's raining - just plain nasty. It's the whole trying to balance your bags and books while trying to get the umbrella up and fumbling to get out your train ticket scenario - HATE IT. So finally made it onto the train - was in a shitty mood and it didn't help that I was listening to "So Sick" by Ne-yo on my Ipod, which reminded me of a certain person so did nothing to improve my mood.

ah i'm getting tired - will continue this post t'row . . .

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.
- Swedish Proverb


Anonymous said...

Hi Elvis!!!

I should have told you about Adam G...I totally love him too and it was Coyote Ugly that made me noticed him.

Sounds like you are having such a fantastic time. Can't wait to hear about all your adventures.

Elvina said...

Heya Grace!

Yeah he's totally hot! I really wanna see the play but I have to drag someone with me to see it!