Tuesday 31 October 2006

The Hot Chick

Was watching this movie yesterday and they had one of those hand
clapping scenes in it and this was the rhyme:

"Boys are cheats and liars.
They're such a big disgrace.
They will tell you anything to get to second...
Baseball, baseball, he thinks he's gonna score.
If you let him go all the way, then you are a...
Hor... ticulture studies flowers.
Geologist studies rocks.
The only thing a guy wants from you
is place to put his...
Cock... roaches, beetles,
butterflies, and bugs.
Nothing makes him happier than a giant pair of...
Jug... glers and acrobats, a dancing bear named Chuck.
All guys really want to do is... forget it, no such luck."

Luv it.


Fishy said...

Hehe that reminds me of Austin Powers...

Anonymous said...

Hehe! I watched that show recently too - "The Hot Chick" rite? It was pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

that was classic!! =D hope ur hanging in there :) did u get my sms the other day??

Elvina said...

heya ange!

yeah i did . . . thanks. I sent an email to you but it was rejected. I used ur msn one, the mobi88 one, but it's not working - I was gonna send it again to the adiangel one but I forgot to. Hope all's alright with you and your work too

hey deb,
yeah, the hot chick - i love those brainless chick flicks, they've been keeping me entertained