Monday 18 September 2006

Finally, a familar face

I just came back from my meeting with Justin (fellow UNSW law exchange student) and it's such a relief to talk to someone I know, and better still, an Aussie. He's living near campus in one of the student residences, so it'll be easier for him to meet people. But good thing is, he'll lemme when they go out, so yay, fun times are about to start. He's a real pub-going, cricket-watching kinda bloke, so basically, a real Aussie, but he's quite easy to get along with. Too bad we're not doing any of the same subjects - he's chosen all the commercial law-based subjects, exactly those ones I've avoided.

This afternoon, before I met up with Justin, I decided I'll go visit the British Museum, just cos it's someone you have to do when you're in London (was so tempted to venture off to Bond Street instead to do a bit more window shopping but exercised high levels of will power and resisted). The British Museum is pretty impressive architectural wise but museums have never been my cup of tea so it didn't take me long to do a loop:

View of the Great Hall inside the British Museum

Ummm, that's one gi-normous mummy coffin (on the right)

Doesn't it remind you of Nicole Ritchie?

Sooooo cute!! And yes, that is a real mummified bull

Hahaha, as you can see, I enjoyed myself the most in the Egypt rooms (blonde moment: just now, I couldn't think of the word for the stone tomb that a mummy coffin is put in - all I could think of was "esophagus" - I Googled it and was like "oh dear, so NOT esophagus" *sigh* I amaze myself sometimes . . .)

My first caffeine fix since I got here - I like this place cos all their coffees have 2 shots of espresso in them - instant *z-i-n-g*

I had Macca's for lunch today - geez, a medium McChicken meal costs £3.59. Two points on this:
  • That's like $9!
  • I just found out how to get the "£" symbol (ALT 1063 in case anyone's wondering . . .)

There is nobody so irritating as somebody with less intelligence and more sense than we have.
- Don Herold


Anonymous said...

LOL "oesophagus"...i think the word ur looking for is "sarcophagus."

Elvina said...

Hahaha, yeah I then googled "mummy coffin" and it came up with sarcophagus

Anonymous said...

Remember to try the Chocolissimo at Costa. Billions and billions of calorie-goodness. Remember that girl who was smoking a ciggie right under the "no-smoking area" sign at Cafe Nero. "No smoking" in London is such a joke.

Elvina said...

Hahaha yeah I remember, they totally disregard the no smoking rules. Yep, I'll give that chocolissimo a go one day.