Monday 25 September 2006

And so it begins

So, just had my first day of uni:
  • Not a good start - when I got to uni I was trying to find the room of my class and I jammed my right index finger in the hinge of a door. Not only did I take a chunk of flesh off, it's now all swollen and bruised . . . gross
  • Was raining today so was not looking forward to heading out when I got out of bed. Luckily I left the house around the same time as my cousin leaving for school so got a lift to the tube station.
  • My first and only class today was tax law. Man, the class was so small, like around 20 people - I wonder if it's cos it's a mega-hard course or sth, I swear I thought more people would be doing tax.
  • Found it hard to talk to anyone today as tax is a 3rd yr subject so most of the people in the class knew each other already and they were clumps so hard for me to jump in and introduce myself. And they were all doing the whole "What did you do in the summer?!" thing so yeah . . . I kinda wish that I am doing first year subjects so that I would be in the same boat as everyone else but also, I would be super-old then and all those subjects I've already done.
  • Another thing which I found was very different: I was the only Asian chick. Number of classes I've been in at UNSW where this was the case = 0.
  • Their timetables are really weird, like they sometimes don't have a lecture every week so you gotta be careful and check your timetable and see what weeks the lectures and tutes are on.
  • The campus is kinda confusing - it has these north and south cloisters which are like corridors and then there are doors everywhere and not enough signs. Took me ages to find where the international office was today. And don't get me started on trying to find the loos - seriously, they have like one for the whole main campus.
  • The library's pretty cool - you need your student card to swipe in (yeah I know, had to go to the library on the first day already). They operate on the stupid system of you going off and finding your own reading materials in the library. Haven't they heard of course materials?! Geez, by the time you get to the library, some loser has already got to the book and it's either been borrowed or it's "missing". If the lecturer knows that everyone needs to read it, why not photocopy it for us and get us to buy it?!?! Argh, this is one thing that is really gonna frustrate me.
  • My user id is zctlcb1: please explain!! And in case you're wondering, that's not my student number, which is something else. My password is even worse, and on top of that, there's my library barcode and pin that's I need to use to log into the library website. Why can't they consolidate everything?! Yeah, so that means that my email is - but luckily, I get an email alias which is
  • My bag got super-heavy by the end of the day - I had borrowed a couple of books and had to buy a textbook so my shoulder's killing me.
  • For those of you who are fellow law students: AustLII here is BaiLII, which I thought was quite funny.
  • And yeah, just a caution for those of you thinking about it: don't bleach your hair . . . like successively. There's this clump of hair at the base of my neck now which is bout 7cm long - it's just gone!!! I dunno what I'm gonna do - next time you see me, all my hair might be chopped off, I think I might have to start afresh.
  • It's beginning to set in that I don't think I'll be able/bothered to go out at night while I'm over here. Means no more clubbing for me for the next year. I'm in bed at like 11pm every night which is a first of me (although I don't actually sleep till early in the morn - old habits are hard to shake and I have so many cable tv channels to choose from!)
  • Yeah I know I'm getting lazy with the picture-taking, will try to take some tomorrow
  • No-one in today's class used "the" paper - I'm losing hope . . .
An educated person is one who has learned that information almost always turns out to be at best incomplete and very often false, misleading, fictitious, mendacious - just dead wrong.
- Russell Baker


Fishy said...

Hehehe you know who you sound like at the moment? a cynical first year...on her second day hehehe.

Elvina said...

More like a cynical fifth year . . . surrounded by 3rd years . . .