Monday 11 September 2006

Mousetrap . . .

Yes, literally. We had to buy mousetraps today cos we think there's one making itself at home in one of the cupboards. Hahaha when my uncle put a piece of chocolate in one of them, he had forgot that he had actually pulled the spring back - he was lucky it didn't go off and snap on his finger.

I did manage to get out of the house today - we went browsing for a new car (we currently have a Honda Accord). First we went to a dealer selling the brand "Vauxhall" - i was like "Hmmm never heard of this brand before" and then I saw one of the models was an "Astra" and then it hit me "woah, it's like Holden, but not!" - hehehe, can anyone tell me, why they do that? Sell under different names in different countries?

Hopefully I'll be doing something more interesting tomorrow and I'll have more pictures to post up.

I think I'll have to play mah jong again tonight - third night in a row . . . man they've set up the table in my room!! I keep losing money . . . yesterday, I think I lost bout 2 pounds.


Anonymous said...

"Holden" cars are sold under the name "Opel" in HK. I think they're all manufactured by General Motors but no idea why the different names.
If u keep losing at mah jong, u really won't have any money for shopping!

Elvina said...

hahaha i see - so it's not just over here where they're different

i know - must start getting better at mah jong

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Poms think "Vauxhall" sounds so much sexier.