Thursday 7 September 2006

Tears and Farewell

Hi Everyone!

After what seemed like an eternity, I have finally made it to London! Yay!!!!!!!! A few comments (oh, btw, I think most of my posts would be done in point form as:
  1. I am lazy
  2. I have a memory like a goldfish so as soon as I remember something, I need to write it down, otherwise I forget it)
  • I was all calm and composed at the airport until the very last moment when I was standing at the Gate waiting to board. I got a call from someone whom I had hoped would be the last person I speak to before I leave and I completely broke down. Being the caring friend that he was, his advice was "Stop being a girl!" Hahaha, I would never have thought I would miss Sydney, but they showed Finding Nemo on the plane and I was like "Geez, I never knew that Sydney Harbour was so beautiful" (yes, yes, I know it's a cartoon, but still, it's obviously based on the real thing)
  • Why are all male flight attendants (is that the PC term?) gay?
  • An almost non-stop 24-hour flight can make one feel very frustrated and when I get frustrated, I find I take it out on people around me. I get so angry at people who cut in front of me or see I have a trolley full of luggage and they just stand there in my way. I think I literally uttered out "Do u mind moving?!" a couple of times when people said "sorry", I would mutter "so you should be!" hahaha, I know, how bitchy of me
Anyway, I'm about to go eat now - I can't even tell if I'm hungry or not - will try to make a post later tonight.


1 comment:

Fishy said...

I don't know who your friend is but that advise sounds good :D

Hello Elvis :D Glad to see you blogging.